Paper / Makale, 2020
Işıkhan C., Öztüfekçi M. Y., Parlak İ. H. (2020), Türk Müziği İntihal Tespitinde Benzerlik Ölçümü, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi (ASOS Journal), Yıl 8, Sayı 111, s. 1-13
Using a section or the whole of music without permission from its owner, plagiarism, is an undesirable situation frequently encountered in Turkish Music. Since plagiarism is not an act that can be accepted immediately, it can only be decided whether plagiarism has been committed or not when the similarity of music is examined. Contrary to the general belief that similarity can be determined with a subjective assessment based on perception, the primary target of this study is to show that similarity of Turkish Music can also be measured digitally. In this study, firstly, melody extraction using the techniques of musical analysis/structural reduction and pitch separation/section detection has been applied two Turkish Music that is supposed to be similar to each other due to the scenario. Secondly, the similarity value of extracted melodies of Turkish Music has been measured by using meldistance function. The first results in this study, which will be expanded and tested afterwards, show that the meldistance function and the method of similarity measurement in order to detect the plagiarism in Turkish Music are highly effective.
“Since plagiarism is not an act that can be accepted immediately, it can only be decided whether plagiarism has been committed or not when the similarity of music is examined.”
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